What we've heard so far
... at Community Day
On June 11, 2022, members of the project team staffed a booth at Community Day to ask attendees for their big ideas for the Borough's future. The following themes emerged:
Parks and recreation - The most popular topic was expanding and adding amenities, such as community gathering space, a public pool, a dog park, turf fields and further building out the trail system. We heard that there's a need to provide more activities and options for kids.
Borough infrastructure and services - Walkability was a recurring theme, as residents identified gaps in the sidewalk network that need attention. Multiple people emphasized a continued need for fiscal responsibility and holding the line on property taxes.
Business development - Many expressed interest in bringing new businesses to the Borough.
... from the Steering Committee
The project's Steering Committee, a group of 19 volunteers appointed by Borough Council to represent a variety of community perspectives, met for the first time on June 6. This group identified the following community issues:
Recreation - There is still strong interest in a community center that serves residents of all ages and a variety of interests.
Infrastructure - Given significant residential growth during the last decade, how have transportation systems needs changed, for both vehicle traffic and walkability?
Business development - Attracting new businesses should be a priority. The Borough has traditionally functioned as a bedroom community, but residents desire access to grocery stores, services and restaurants.
Fiscal management - Strategic and thoughtful fiscal management continues to be critical, and more transparency would make more obvious the value that residents receive for their tax dollars.
Development and redevelopment opportunities - This plan should address all areas of the Borough, and it should examine site-specific investment needs, such as the old high school and the Route 51 corridor. There is also interest in preserving green space and protecting environmental resources.
Borough communications - This plan should explore how the Borough's website and social media could become better platforms for information sharing.