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About the Plan

Jefferson Hills will spend the next year working on a long-range comprehensive plan. This process will officially establish a vision, priorities and stepwise action plans for the Borough during the next 10 years. The outcome of the process will inform future decisions concerning land use, development and budget priorities, and it creates the basis for updates to local regulations. This plan meets the state's requirements contained in the Municipalities Planning Code.


The crowd at Jefferson Hills Community Day
A pale gold pattern reminiscent of a bowling alley carpet

Addressing Key Issues

This plan aims to put the priorities for Jefferson Hills Residents first. It will take shape from a solid foundation of public engagement. The first months of the process will focus on collecting as many perspectives and ideas as possible, meeting people where they are to listen and learn. The planning team will facilitate meetings and pop-up events with the public and members of the steering committee to identify the key issues around which we will build the Borough's next long-range plan.

A pale gold pattern reminiscent of a bowling alley carpet

Providing Action Steps

A plan is useless if it sits on the shelf and collects dust. We envision this document to be a living guide with a checklist of actionable items. Creating realistic steps towards implementation is how Jefferson Hills will move forward. 

Adriana Interviews Public Safety_edited_edited.jpg

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